Iker came to be photographed in the Bitxa like any other inhabitant of Arama. Friendly, we portray him in a very natural way and with great confidence. After he left we learned that Iker’s surname was Irribarria, the surname on the back of his shirt and by which he is known in the world of Basque pelota. A great pelota player who, at the age of 19, became the youngest ever to win the Txapela del Manomanista, that is to say, to become champion in one of the modalities of Basque pelota.
There is not a village throughout Gipuzkoa, however small it may be, that does not have a pelota court, because Basque Pelota used to be a traditional game. Nowadays it has acquired a great sporting rigour with a wide organisational structure: federations, companies, technical groups, pelota schools, as well as professional activity, in some of its modalities.
We liked Iker’s attitude. He was what he is, just another inhabitant of the village.